
For he did not remember to show kindness, but pursued the poor and needy and the brokenhearted to their death. -Psalm 109:16
Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life and honor. – Proverbs 21:21
Kyle, a freshman in high school, was quite the book worm. Often he was teased and ridiculed by other students. One afternoon, with his arms loaded with books and clothing, a few of the more relentless students knocked his books to the ground as they mocked him. As he struggled to gather up his books another freshman, Matt, a star member of the football team, stooped down to help him. Matt asked Kyle where he lived. When Kyle told him, Matt said: “I’ll walk with you. I live just around the corner from your house.” So off they went. Matt asked Kyle if he’d like to stop by his house and play some video games. Kyle accepted. Soon after that they became fast friends.
As the high school years quickly passed, Kyle blossomed into a fine student and young man. Gathering friends among his classmates. At high school graduation Kyle was named Valedictorian of his class and addressed all there present. To the shock of all in attendance Kyle confessed his intent to commit suicide as a freshman. He then gave recognition to his good friend Matt. Kyle said, “the day that Matt helped me carry my books home from school was the very day that I had planned to kill myself.” “That is why I was so loaded down with books. I had cleaned out my locker so that my parents would not have to suffer through that task.” Kyle looked toward Matt, who was sitting among his classmates and said: “Matt, because of your kindness toward me that day, and continued friendship, you convinced me that I was not worthless. You saved my life.”


There is an innate Kindness/Charity that flowed forth from Matt and of which we are all capable, when not hindered by prideful self-interest which prohibits one from walking in another’s shoes. In us is instilled Love of God and neighbor. And with that understanding, it is our duty to do right by others. This is not a challenge for those who put others interests before their own.

Matt’s example opened the eyes of many of his classmates. Not to that which they perceived was lacking in Kyle, but to that which was, in reality, lacking in themselves; “Charity.”

About Alan A. Malizia: Contagious Optimism! Co-Author

Retired mathematics teacher and high school athletics coach. Honors: 1988 Ct. Coach of the Year for H.S. Girls Voleyball and 2007 Inducted into the Ct. Women's Volleyball Hall of Fame. Since retiring have written two books; "The Little Red Chair," an autobiography about my life experience as a polio survivor and "A View From The Quiet Corner," a selection of poems and reflections. Presently I am a contributing author for the "Life Carrots" series primarily authored by Dave Mezzapelle of
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1 Response to Charity

  1. I love this story and its lesson Alan. Thank you for sharing it here. ❤
    Diana xo

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